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An engineering marvel in the midst of the Himalaya
An engineering marvel in the midst of the Himalaya
The 100th operational airport in India required retention megastructures up to 74m highRead
Antwerp’s Oosterweel: a sustainable mobility
Antwerp’s Oosterweel: a sustainable mobility
In February 2018, the city of Antwerp launched a major infrastructure project to develop the Oosterweel Link, in order to make it the best mobility solution for citizens. Maccaferri was involved in the project development, offering the city its proven technical experience and an innovative solution portfolio.Read
Application of MSE Wall with Back-to-Back System for Construction of Access Road at Bener Dam
Application of MSE Wall with Back-to-Back System for Construction of Access Road at Bener Dam
The Bener Dam in Purworejo, Central Java, is a strategic project to improve irrigation, control floods, and provide raw water. Construction of access roads using back-to-back MSE Wall solutions is an innovative step to ensure land stability and cost efficiency. This solution enables fast and safe construction without relying on conventional concrete, optimizing the long-term success of the project.Read
Application of Paramesh System in the AIM Infrastructure Project, PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia
Application of Paramesh System in the AIM Infrastructure Project, PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia
PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, is developing the AIM project to process residual mineral ore into value-added products such as sulfuric acid and iron ore pellets. In this project, the use of Paramesh System from Maccaferri was chosen to support the construction of ponds and operational buildings with optimal cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability.Read
Breakwater Structure from Maccaferri Indonesia for Aston Hotel Anyer
Breakwater Structure from Maccaferri Indonesia for Aston Hotel Anyer
Aston Hotel Anyer is located on the beach, so it is often hit by big waves. In addition to hitting facilities and buildings on the beach, big waves also disrupt the activities of hotel visitors. Therefore, an effective solution is needed to solve this problem.  Read
Bronjong dan Bronjong Matras Sebagai Tanggul Laut di Kampung Nelayan Kenjeran
Bronjong dan Bronjong Matras Sebagai Tanggul Laut di Kampung Nelayan Kenjeran
Pada rencana awal, pemerintah daerah menggunakan tiang pancang atau struktur beton untuk melindungi pesisir dari abrasi. Namun, dikarenakan area pesisir yang perlu dilindungi terhitung cukup panjang, maka diperlukan solusi yang lebih terjangkau namun tetap menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik.Read
The open channel at the Heaven Memorial Park Cemetery in the Jonggol area, West Java is prone to erosion and landslides. A proper solution is needed to protect open channels from further damage. The easy installation method and economical cost of Maccaferri’s was chosen as the most suitable solution. Read
Saluran terbuka di Pemakaman Heaven Memorial Park yang berada di daerah Jonggol, Jawa Barat dalam kondisi rentan terhadap erosi dan longsor. Dibutuhkan solusi yang tepat untuk melindungi saluran terbuka dari kerusakan lebih lanjut. Metode pemasangan yang mudah dan biaya ekonomis solusi Maccaferri dipilih sebagai solusi yang paling sesuai.Read
Ciawi Dam: Indonesia’s Latest Innovation for a Safer Jakarta!
Ciawi Dam: Indonesia’s Latest Innovation for a Safer Jakarta!
On December 23, 2022, President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Ciawi Dam in Bogor, West Java, as a solution to Jakarta’s floods. With its unique design that channels water, the dam reduces the flood risk by 30.6 percent. Despite facing erosion challenges, Maccaferri Indonesia provides a solution with the installation of MacMat® HS with Vegetation. The inauguration of the Ciawi Dam reaffirms Indonesia’s commitment to addressing floods through technological innovation for sustainable infrastructure development.Read
Combating Erosion: Slope Protection Innovation at Way Sekampung Dam Project, Lampung
The Way Sekampung Dam in Lampung is not just a water reservoir, but a multifunctional infrastructure project. Faced with slope erosion, an efficient solution was chosen: the Maccaferri Erosion Control System. With Geomat HDPE and Macmat® HS, easy installation, supports vegetation growth, plus Soil Nailing for stability. Focused on sustainability and cost-effective, this system protects the environment while adding value to erosion mitigation.Read
An area of 43,920 m2 requires treatment to address the impacts of earthquakes and landslides resulting from the earthquake that struck the city of Cianjur and its surroundings. A combination of MSE Wall solutions and erosion control from Maccaferri Indonesia has been chosen to mitigate the effects of the landslide and prevent further occurrences due to unstable soil structures.Read
Environmental protection through engineering
Environmental protection through engineering
An interview to Professor Gian Battista BischettiRead
Environmentally Friendly Erosion Control System that Rehabilitates the Vegetation in Beringin Sila Dam 
Environmentally Friendly Erosion Control System that Rehabilitates the Vegetation in Beringin Sila Dam 
The surrounding slopes around the project need to be protected from potential erosion. The slope which is mainly composed of fine-grained soil required protection from erosion caused by rain and surface runoff. Read
Environmentally Friendly Erosion Control with Vegetation at Balang Island Bridge, East Kalimantan
Environmentally Friendly Erosion Control with Vegetation at Balang Island Bridge, East Kalimantan
The construction of Pulau Balang Bridge in East Kalimantan left the abutment slopes open. It required protection to protect the slopes from erosion that further endanger the safety of the abutments. The total area that needs to be protected during this project is 1920 m2. Read
Erosion Control by Maccaferri with Vegetation at Pidekso Dam, Wonogiri, Central Java 
Erosion Control by Maccaferri with Vegetation at Pidekso Dam, Wonogiri, Central Java 
The access road in Pidekso Dam area is surrounded by exposed slopes. These exposed slopes are prone to soil erosion due to their vulnerability to rainfall and lack of vegetation on the slope surface. The area needs to be protected to prevent landslides. Read
Erosion Control System Using the Polybag Method at the Tiu Suntuk Dam, Sumbawa
Erosion Control System Using the Polybag Method at the Tiu Suntuk Dam, Sumbawa
The construction of the Tiu Suntuk dam in West Nusa Tenggara means that the slopes in the area need to be protected from surface erosion. The total area that needs to be protected is 4,740 m2. To reduce slope surface erosion, erosion control solutions from Maccaferri were selected using MacMat® HS coupled with vegetation for long-term surface erosion mitigation. The Polybag method is used to prevent damage to vegetation growth due to the presence of monkeys near the construction site.Read
FlexMac™ DT, a disaster emergency response solution in Semarang – Demak
FlexMac™ DT, a disaster emergency response solution in Semarang – Demak
The occurrence of extreme tides in May 2022 in the city of Semarang, can trigger another flood event. With the sea level reaching more than 210 cm, the Ministry of Public Works made an emergency response effort by installing a new embankment to control seawater in the area.Read
Gabion and Reno Mattress® as a Seawall at Kampung Nelayan, Kenjeran 
Gabion and Reno Mattress® as a Seawall at Kampung Nelayan, Kenjeran 
Initially, the local government planned on using sheet piles or concrete structures to protect the coast from abrasion. However, the coastal area that needs protection is quite long thus a more affordable solution that still carries out its functions is needed. Read
Innovative Slope Protection Solution from Maccaferri to Address Challenges in the Construction of Jatigede Dam
Innovative Slope Protection Solution from Maccaferri to Address Challenges in the Construction of Jatigede Dam
Jatigede Dam, the beauty of nature and integrated innovation! The dazzling mega-project that adorns Sumedang Regency, West Java, is not just a source of electricity and irrigation but also a captivating natural tourist destination. Maccaferri presents a smart solution, combining the Terramesh® System and bore piles, making Jatigede Dam not just a mega-project but a work of harmony with the environment. Discover the charm and sustainability in every detail!Read
Interview with Stefano Rignanese
Interview with Stefano Rignanese
We had a chat with Stefano Rignanese, former trainee in Maccaferri’s “Young Engineer” programme.Read
Let’s have a chat with Mirco Pedrazzi
Let’s have a chat with Mirco Pedrazzi
We interviewed Mirco Pedrazzi, a young Corporate Controller who joined us a few months ago and is already involved in a key project for the Group’s growth.Read
Let’s have a talk with Francesco Lipartiti
Let’s have a talk with Francesco Lipartiti
From India to Belgium, from Finance division to HR, a career across four continents. We have talked to Francesco Lipartiti, current Chief Operating Officer for the ISEAP region.Read
Let’s have a talk with Vikramjiet Roy
Let’s have a talk with Vikramjiet Roy
We have talked to Vikramjiet Roy, one of India’s “Top 25 leaders in times of crisis working in medium-sized companies”, a ranking promoted by Great Place to Work that also rewarded leaders from companies such as HP, Randstad and S&P Global.Read
Maccaferri blends with art: Chambéry project
Maccaferri blends with art: Chambéry project
A complex engineering project related to a motorway interchange carried out by Maccaferri in France has been decorated with a painting of a natural landscapeRead
Overcoming Challenges on the South Ring Road of Gunungkidul: Slope Protection Innovation for Safety and Stability
The South Ring Road in Gunungkidul is crucial for easing traffic congestion and supporting economic and tourism growth. Its construction on limestone slopes poses erosion and rockfall risks. Maccaferri Indonesia provides a solution with MacMat® HS with Vegetation, which is easy to install, improves drainage, restores vegetation, and enhances road user safety. This solution protects infrastructure and the environment, keeping the route safe and supporting economic growth in the region.Read
Overcoming Slope Challenges: Innovative Solutions at Rotiklot Dam
The Rotiklot Dam in Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, was built in December 2015 and inaugurated by President Joko Widodo in May 2019. With a capacity of 3.3 million cubic meters, this dam provides drinking water, and irrigation and supports tourism. However, in 2023, landslides on the slopes near the dam threaten infrastructure and official residences. Maccaferri Indonesia presents an innovative solution combining the Terramesh®️ System and Soil Nailing, creating sturdy protection. This construction method not only maintains infrastructure safety but also supports environmental sustainability.Read
Paramesh Provides Access Road Stability in Kuningan Dam 
Paramesh Provides Access Road Stability in Kuningan Dam 
Like a dam in general, many excavated slopes are formed during the construction process. Unstable slope needs to be reinforced to avoid stability failure, one of them being access road section. Read
Paramesh Solution by Maccaferri for the stability of Daarut Tauhid Mosque, Batam
Paramesh Solution by Maccaferri for the stability of Daarut Tauhid Mosque, Batam
The existing concrete retaining wall at Daarut Tauhid Mosque as high as 12 m is located between the mosque and public facility at the bottom of the slope. Landslides can endanger community activities, so a solution is needed.Read
Paramesh System from Maccaferri for the Bajo – Malawatar Road Segment 
Paramesh System from Maccaferri for the Bajo – Malawatar Road Segment 
The Bajo – Malawatar road, approximately 60 km long, is a main access road that requires protection due to a landslide that occurred in October 2022. Several cracks appeared on the edge of the road, indicating that the area is prone to landslides. A Retaining Wall using the Paramesh system from Maccaferri was chosen as the solution to protect approximately 72 meters of the Bajo – Malawatar road segment. Read
Paramesh System From Maccaferri To Reduce Erosion Risk at Sadawarna Dam
Paramesh System From Maccaferri To Reduce Erosion Risk at Sadawarna Dam
The Sadawarna Dam, located in Subang and Sumedang Regencies, is capable of supporting food security and flood control in West Java Province. The Sadawarna Dam has a retention pond designed to reduce energy from runoff water flowing in the spillway and minimize the risk of dam erosion. The Retention Ponds need to be protected with retaining walls. To overcome these problems, Maccaferri Indonesia proposed using the Paramesh system. Read
Pembangunan Dinding Sayap Pit Crusher dengan Paramesh 
Pembangunan Dinding Sayap Pit Crusher dengan Paramesh 
Pada proyek PT Indexim Coalindo di Kecamatan Kaliorang, terdapat kebutuhan untuk pembangunan dua dinding sayap pada pit crusher agar kegiatan proyek tetap dapat berjalan dengan baik. Read
Pengendali Erosi dari Maccaferri dengan vegetasi di Bendungan Pidekso, Wonogiri Jawa Tengah 
Pengendali Erosi dari Maccaferri dengan vegetasi di Bendungan Pidekso, Wonogiri Jawa Tengah 
Akses jalan di kawasan Bendungan Pidekso dikelilingi oleh lereng-lereng yang terbuka. Lereng yang terbuka ini rentan terhadap erosi tanah karena curah hujan dan kurangnya vegetasi di permukaan lereng. Area tersebut perlu dilindungi untuk menghindari terjadinya kelongsoran. Read
Pengendali Erosi dengan vegetasi di Bendungan Gondang, Karanganyar Jawa Tengah 
Pengendali Erosi dengan vegetasi di Bendungan Gondang, Karanganyar Jawa Tengah 
Pembangunan Bendungan Gondang mengakibakan terbelahnya lereng disekitar bendungan. Lereng yang terbelah tersebut dapat mengalami erosi permukaan diakibatkan terkena hujan atau aliran permukaan. Pemilihan solusi yang tepat sangat penting untuk mencegah adanya potensi erosi. Read
Pengendali Erosi Ramah Lingkungan dengan Vegetasi di Bendungan Beringin Sila
Pengendali Erosi Ramah Lingkungan dengan Vegetasi di Bendungan Beringin Sila
Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam pembangunan Bendungan Beringin Sila adalah lereng di sekitar proyek yang perlu dilindungi dari potensi erosi karena hujan dan aliran air permukaan. Pemilihan solusi yang tepat sangat penting untuk mencegah kegagalan dengan adanya potensi erosi.Read
Pit Crusher Wing Wall Construction with Paramesh 
Pit Crusher Wing Wall Construction with Paramesh 
Two wing walls need to be constructed next to the concrete retaining wall crusher of Indexim Pit Crusher located in Kaliorang District.  Read
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing is constructing an embankment at Ayamaru Lake in the city of Sorong, West Papua, with the aim of raising the lake’s water level by approximately 1.5 to 2 meters from the current water level. Needing a cost effective and environmentally friendly solution, Maccaferri Indonesia’s solution using Reno™ Mattress Plus as the embankment cover was chosen. This is due to Reno™ Mattress Plus being a flexible, non-rigid, and permeable material. Reno™ Mattress Plus has proven to be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly because the minimal use of rocks reduces the number of transporting vehicles during the project.Read
Revitalisasi Rumah Ibadah dengan Terramesh® Sebagai Dinding Penahan
Revitalisasi Rumah Ibadah dengan Terramesh® Sebagai Dinding Penahan
Hujan deras disertai angin kencang pada awal tahun 2021 menyebabkan longsor yang menimpa rumah dinas pelayan Gereja HKI Bengkong, Batam. Pemerintah daerah bersama rakyat setempat bergotong royong untuk membersihkan lokasi longsor. Pemerintah kemudian mengambil langkah selanjutnya untuk menemukan solusi yang tepat untuk menggantikan solusi sebelumnya yang berupa pasangan batu. Read
Revitalizing Safety on Sentani Road: Overcoming Landslide Threats with Flexible Drapery Innovation
The route connecting Sentani Airport to the downtown of Jayapura Province in Papua faces serious challenges, particularly the risk of rockslides due to the weathered conditions of the rocks in the surrounding area. The Ministry of Public Works is making efforts to enhance safety and smooth transportation flow in the region. In lieu of shotcrete, the Maccaferri drapery system with SteelGrid® HR 30 and 2.5-meter anchors has become a revolutionary solution. The success of this project not only safeguards the Sentani national road but also opens the door for similar innovations throughout the entire region. With a spirit of innovation, the Ministry of Public Works is ready to adopt the same method, bringing new hope for a safer and more resilient future for this vital route.Read
Rockfall Barrier Memberikan Keamanan pada Aktivitas di Tambang Emas Martabe
Rockfall Barrier Memberikan Keamanan pada Aktivitas di Tambang Emas Martabe
Pemilihan material yang tepat diperlukan untuk memberikan solusi yang terintegrasi dan komprehensif. Rockfall Lereng pada tambang terbuka Tambang Emas Martabe tersusun atas urat kuarsa yang terpecah, lapuk, dan memiliki ukuran yang masif dengan potensi terjadinya jatuhan batu yang membahayakan aktivitas di bawahnya. Read
Rockfall Barrier Provides Safety for Mining Activities in the Martabe Gold Mine 
Rockfall Barrier Provides Safety for Mining Activities in the Martabe Gold Mine 
The slopes at an open pit, Martabe Gold Mine – North Sumatera Province are composed of fractured and weathered massive quartz veins with the possibility of rockfall that endangers the activities below. Read
Rockfall Drapery System from Maccaferri for Elevated Road in Maros, South Sulawesi
Elevated Road Maros-Camba: Security and Innovation in One Package! Confront the challenges of rocky slopes with a smart solution from Maccaferri Indonesia. The SteelGrid® HR 30 drapery system provides optimal protection with economic efficiency. Build a smart and secure future, discovering beauty within innovation.Read
Slope Stabilization at Muara Laboh geothermal power project 
Slope Stabilization at Muara Laboh geothermal power project 
Slope stabilization and surface protection are needed to prevent landslides and slope erosion on the Wellpad E Muara Laboh Access Road. An effective solution is needed starting from the design, construction stage, and economics to prevent landslides and slope erosion in an area of 980 m2.  Read
Soil Reinforcement Solutions from Maccaferri for the Nagreg Ring Road
Soil Reinforcement Solutions from Maccaferri for the Nagreg Ring Road
The Nagreg Ring Road is built for 5 km and is located in a topography of valleys and hills with a slope of up to 40o and has high rainfall and is included in earthquake zone 3, so it is very prone to landslides and slope instability. Terramesh® System & MacGrid™ from Maccaferri as a flexible structure can answer existing problems. Read
Solusi Paramesh Maccaferri untuk stabilitas Masjid Daarut Tauhid, Batam
Solusi Paramesh Maccaferri untuk stabilitas Masjid Daarut Tauhid, Batam
Dinding beton penahan tanah eksisting di Masjid Daarut Tauhid setinggi 12 m terletak di antara bagian Masjid dan fasilitas public di bagian bawah lereng. Longsoran dapat membahayakan aktivitas masyarakat, sehingga diperlukan solusi yang solutif.  Read
Solusi Paramesh Memberikan Stabilitas Jalan Akses di Bendungan Kuningan      
Solusi Paramesh Memberikan Stabilitas Jalan Akses di Bendungan Kuningan  
Seperti bendungan pada umumnya, terdapat banyak lereng galian yang terbentuk saat proses pembangunan dilakukan. Lereng yang tidak stabil memerlukan perkuatan untuk menghindari kegagalan stabilitas, salah satunya adalah pada bagian jalan akses bendungan.Read
Stabilisasi lereng pada proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) Muara Laboh
Stabilisasi lereng pada proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) Muara Laboh
Stabilisasi lereng dan perlindungan permukaan diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya longsoran dan erosi lereng di Jalan Akses Wellpad E Muara Laboh. Dibutuhkan solusi yang efektif dari mulai desain, tahap konstuksi, dan harga untuk mencegah terjadinya longsor dan erosi lereng di area seluas 980 m2.  Read
Struktur Pemecah Gelombang dari Maccaferri Indonesia untuk Aston Hotel Anyer
Struktur Pemecah Gelombang dari Maccaferri Indonesia untuk Aston Hotel Anyer
Aston Hotel Anyer terletak di tepi pantai sehingga sering dihantam ombak besar. Selain menghantam fasilitas dan bangunan di tepi pantai, ombak besar juga mengganggu aktivitas pengunjung hotel. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan solusi yang efektif untuk pemecahan masalah tersebut.Read
Terramesh® as a Retaining Wall to Revitalize the House of Worship 
Terramesh® as a Retaining Wall to Revitalize the House of Worship 
In early 2021, heavy rain with gusty wind hit hard in Batam City, especially in the Bengkong area, Batam. The government along with the local community worked together to clean up the landslide area. The government then took the next step to find the right solution to replace the broken stone masonry. Read
The Right Steps to Overcome Landslides at the Marriot Luxury Hotel, Labuan Bajo using MSE Wall Solutions from Maccaferri
The construction of the Marriot Luxury Hotel in Labuan Bajo brings economic hope, but also causes landslide problems around the dormitory area. Maccaferri’s MSE Wall solution is a robust and sustainable answer to this problem. With advanced technology and environmentally friendly materials, MSE Wall not only strengthens the physical structure, but also supports sustainable development. Through a partnership with Maccaferri, the Marriot hotel in Labuan Bajo has proven that responsible development is a reality that can be realized. Read

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We represent a winning partner for the complex world of civil and industrial constructions. Thanks to a wide range, our products are the answer to the various technical demands of the sector: from drainage and protection to water and waterproofing of structures and coverings, to energy-saving to housing comfort, from steam control to issues concerning.

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