Jednoosé geomříže

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Jednoosé geomříže


Jednoosé geomříže jsou obvykle používány pro účely vyztužení, vzhledem k jejich výjimečné struktuře, která je schopna poskytnout potřebnou pevnost pro vyztužení zásypového materiálu a omezit pohyb částic půdy, které se zaklíní přímo do geomříže. Geomříže typu jednoosé jsou charakteristické vysokou tahovou pevností v jednom směru, obvykle v podélném směru (MD) a parametry v příčném směru (CMD) jsou minimalizovány, podle možností technologie výroby geomříže.



High tenacity core with a thick PE coating with strength from 30 to 200 kN/m to be used in standard soil reinforcement applications (mostly retaining structures) in any soil including aggressive ones characterized by high values of ph

ParaGrid™ HF

Similar to ParaGrid as structure but mostly used in combination with Terramesh units as primary reinforcement. Their strength varies from 90 to 250 kN/m and can be used in any soil including aggressive ones characterized by high values of ph



Again a strip based structure mostly used in basal reinforcement applications (but not exclusively) as piled embankment foundations, sink holes application or foundation on soft soils. Their strength varies from 300 to 1600 kN/m and can be used in any soil including aggressive ones characterized by high values of ph


Similar to ParaGrid but with a draining capacity in the MD direction obtained by shaping the strips with a channel profile closed by a geotextile filter. This unique composite is designed to be used with very thin or cohesive soils in very demanding geotechnical situations.


Paragrid™ W

An enhanced high performance knitted geogrid characterized by a very high modulus and the lowest reduction factors. Designed for standard soil reinforcement application with a specific focus on segmental wall applications. This family is suitable for use with standard soils characterized by 4</=ph</=9 

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