09 February 2023
Interview with Mr. Lapo Vivarelli Colonna
"Our snowfences are even in the Himalayas".
This is the headline of the exclusive interview that the CEO of Officine Maccaferri Lapo Vivarelli Colonna gave to the Bologna web edition of Corriere della Sera, one of the main Italian generalist newspapers.
In this interview, Mr. Lapo Vivarelli Colonna talks about the company, focusing on the solutions offered and on its future goals.
Maccaferri, which has always been committed to offering advanced engineering solutions for the mitigation of natural risks and hydrogeological instability, also boasts extensive experience in the sector of rockfall, snow fences and avalanche protection.
The chance of debris flows and rock falls – which are closely linked to climate change – are widespread and can cause tremendous social and economic harm. Maccaferri’s rockfall barriers, which are easy to install, durable and effective, prevent the detachment of rocks or limit their impacts. The same goes for the snow fences, which are designed to stabilize the layer of snow at the potential avalanche initiation zone, thereby preventing its triggering.
Mr. Vivarelli Colonna also launches an important message on the role of prevention; Maccaferri is also very focused and dynamic on this issue. Thanks to research and development, that is part of the company’s DNA, the smart warning system HelloMac has been developed in the rockfall protection field. It is an alert system developed to monitor rockfall protections, to detect events that can put people, infrastructures and buildings at risk and send real-time notifications to operators.
To read the full interview (in Italian) click here.