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Green Terramesh® solution for landslip damage in Scotland

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03 July 2023

Green Terramesh® solution for landslip damage in Scotland

Green Terramesh® soil reinforcement system used for remedial works.

Green Terramesh® soil reinforcement system has been implemented alongside a road in Langholm, Scotland. 

After a seriously wet weather period in December 2015, a landslip damaged an area in Langholm displacing over several thousand m3 of material, it damaged a water main and caused disruption to normal drainage lines. The route where this occurred was not safe to use and had been closed ever since. 

Dumfries and Galloway Council wanted to re-open the road for ease of access for drivers to get to destinations when other roads were congested. The landslip had corrupted a high pressurewater main and natural drainage lines, rendering the road completely unfit for use. The council appointed RH Irving as contractor and designers Fairhurst to come up with a feasible solution to reinforce the slope to support the road. Maccaferri were approached to give a solution for the remedial works and suggested our Green Terramesh® System which would incorporate the natural surroundings of the site. 

The Green Terramesh® system is a reinforced slope design that uses pre-fabricated mesh baskets with an erosion control blanket which is then filled with backsoil and used in conjunction with one of our high strength geogrids – ParaGrid®. The angled front face with the erosion control blanket (Biomac) is designed to establish natural vegetation which is the important requirement for Green Terramesh® . 

The job has been completed as you can see in the above photos. The Green Terramesh® system has vegetated beautifully and over a short amount of time. The road is now fit for purpose and reinforced for a design life of 120 years

For more information contact us on 01865 770 555 or send an email to our team: [email protected]