Bank Protection Works in River Ganga at Budge Budge 

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29 April 2021

Bank Protection Works in River Ganga at Budge Budge 

Anti-erosion works along the riverbank for protection of the embankment

Tidal Bore is a phenomenon which occurs in the estuary zone near sea where the river mouth opening is funneled into shallow and narrow river sections. Budge Budge is one such location where it occurs. 

Budge Budge located on the banks of river Ganga, India was prone to the phenomenon of tidal boring which caused intense erosion related damages to the riverbank and the structures adjacent to it. The compound wall of Caledium jute mill was identified as a highly affected zone. 

Anti-erosion works were implemented on a 100 m stretch along the river for protection of the riverbank. A solution of geosystems was devised which consisted of geotextile bag and sack gabions lined with geotextile, ParaLink® and DT netting. The works carried out got submerged during the occurrence of the tidal bore and considerable amount of silt deposit was noted. 

Please contact us for your river protection works at [email protected]