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Erosion Control

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Erosion Control

Soil is a precious source of biodiversity, fundamental in storing and releasing carbon and maintaining the balance of gasses in the air we breathe. Soil erosion refers to the wearing away of the field’s topsoil and it is often caused by wetting and drying forces from wind, rain and gravity. Protecting vulnerable soils through stabilisation has become a priority in multiple sectors, from agribusiness to oil & gas, from coastal protection works to restoration after natural disasters.

We have a long-standing experience in developing nature inclusive solution that prevent soil erosion while promoting vegetation growth. Our engineered solutions reduce the risk of damage to infrastructure lines due to superficial landslides and at the same time act as a first, natural like, protection barrier against slope instability phenomena. Furthermore, our solutions have been extensively used to mitigate the risk of soil slump in landfill capping and other applications in which a layer of soil is placed onto a surface with low friction angle.

Over the years, Maccaferri has been working along with some of the most prominent universities at international level to develop a graded, logical range of sustainable erosion control products and drainage techniques. With this expertise and strong manufacturing base, we can tailor solutions to clients’ soil instability problems, so that the level of intervention is appropriate to the erosion risk encountered. Moreover, our specific design software provides client support on the selection of the most effective solution for their project needs.

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