Planar and horizontal drainage

Planar and horizontal drainage is a useful technique to consolidate soils weakened by the presence of water. Removing the water, by inserting a suitable drainage path can provide long-term improvements to that soil. Traditionally, drainage was provided by gravel or other natural materials. However, the long-term performance of gravels can be unknown or compromised.
Modern solutions and materials. The modern solution is to use a drainage geocomposite; MacDrain® drains fluids underground from one place to another. Geotextiles attached to the drainage core on one or both sides stop the materials or soils from being drained and as a result, potentially clogging the drainage core or collection pipes. They are designed to replace traditional drainage materials such as gravels and sands.
Factors to consider. The selection of an appropriate MacDrain® for ‘horizontal’ or planar drainage geocomposite depends on a number of factors:
- The overburden expected
- The expected flow discharge required
- The type of material / soil to be drained (clean, contaminated etc.)
- Hydraulic gradient
- Dimensions of the area to be drained

Our state of the art software for resolving water-management challenges. Using our state of the art design software, MacFLOW, we assist clients in overcoming their water-management problems, helping to consolidate soils, and reducing settlements. The best value solution should not only address technical and economic problems, but also the installation speed and efficiency.