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ParaWeb® and ParaLink® Accepted as Reinforced Fill Products by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) in Hong Kong.

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30 June 2023

ParaWeb® and ParaLink® Accepted as Reinforced Fill Products by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) in Hong Kong.

Discover how ParaWeb® and ParaLink® have gained approval as Reinforced Fill Products by the CEDD in Hong Kong, ensuring the safety and durability of permanent reinforced fill features in government projects.

Since 1981, over 100 reinforced fill structures have been constructed in Hong Kong. Most of these structures range between 5 and 15 meters in height. However, there is one reinforced fill structure that reaches about 40 meters, located on the mountainous coastal terrain of North West Tsing Yi. This structure supports a highway interchange connecting Route 3 with the North Lantau Expressway.


Reinforced fill products in Hong Kong are commonly made from metallic or polymeric materials. The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) of the Hong Kong SAR Government regulates polymeric reinforced fill products. According to Chapter 4 of the Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works, only polymeric products accepted by the CEDD or metallic products can be used in permanent reinforced fill features in Government projects. In private projects, both metallic and accepted polymeric products may be used with the approval of the Building Authority.


The assessment of polymeric reinforcing products aims to ensure the safety of permanent reinforced fill features constructed with these products in Hong Kong. Permanent reinforced fill features refer to structures or slopes constructed using the reinforced fill technique, with or without facing elements, and designed to have a lifespan longer than two years. The assessment process ensures consistent and satisfactory standards in the provision of these products, facilitates their specification, and saves time for designers, contractors, manufacturers, product distributors, and the Government by eliminating repetitive checking of project proposals.


To apply for prior acceptance of polymeric reinforced fill products, the applicant must submit sufficient information to justify the long-term tensile strength of the products. This includes providing a physical description of the polymeric reinforced fill products, their usage history, manufacturer quality control and quality assurance program, detailed assessment of their long-term tensile strength, as well as the pullout and sliding resistance of the products.


The CEDD has certified Maccaferri’s ParaWeb® and ParaLink® for reinforced soil application. You can access the certification from the following link: https://www.cedd.gov.hk/eng/public-services-forms/geotechnical/reinforced/list-of-certified-reinforced-fill-products/index.html 


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