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Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement

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Retaining Walls & Soil Reinforcement

Since ancient times, mankind has built structures to retain soil and restrain it to an angle steeper than the one it would naturally keep. We often face the same challenge today when dealing with soil. When it comes to soil slopes with poor bearing capacity, when the ground must support extreme loads, such as those mine tip and crusher walls where a loaded mine truck can weigh over 300 t, or even when construction takes place in seismic areas, retaining walls and soil reinforcement structures can solve the earth retention problem.

Every week, hundreds of Maccaferri solutions are implemented across the globe, whether they are a small retaining wall in a housing development, or a massive, reinforced soil structure on a major highway or in a mine. Reduction on consumption of natural resources, savings on installation cost, maximization of worker safety, long-term durability and integration into the environment are key features of our retaining walls and soil reinforcement systems. 

Our expertise has been built up over 100 years of solving retaining structure problems and continuously innovating our offer of tested and certified solutions. In addition, partnering with leading institutions and professionals we endeavor to develop new design approaches and design tools to enhance the service life of our walls and soil reinforcement structures.

Get in contact with us to start designing environmentally sound retaining walls and soil reinforcement structures.

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