Slope Protection

All natural slopes are subject to continuous erosion forces. Whether the slope has been recently formed as part of new development, or is in its original natural state, some form of erosion protection may be required.
Maccaferri erosion protection solutions. We offer a range of erosion protection solutions to suit the slope and severity of erosion forces expected. Most of these products are also designed to facilitate the re-establishment of vegetation on the slope.
The unpredictable nature of vegetation growth. However, relying upon vegetation growth alone is very unpredictable and unreliable as it is extremely difficult to achieve 100% vegetation coverage, leaving exposed areas vulnerable to erosion. Furthermore, vegetation can die back or become diseased, reducing the erosion control capability.
Protecting and increasing the soil’s resistance
Our wide range of erosion protection mats increases the soil’s resistance to erosion by providing immediate protection of exposed areas from the direct effects of wind and rainfall impact; protecting seeded topsoil from washing out before vegetation has established.
The products that promote sustainable vegetation. Where a natural vegetated slope is required, simply placing top soil on a sterile slope is often not sufficient and topsoil layers are seen slumped at the base of newly constructed slopes. The erosion mats, biodegradable BioMac® and the permanent geomat MacMat® provide cost-effective methods of retaining both soil and moisture on the slope, thereby promoting sustainable vegetation for long-term erosion protection.

Systems for rocky slope
On rock slopes, where loss of rock fragments from the face is the prime concern, our “MacRO” rockfall mitigation systems are most appropriate. Please consult the appropriate area of this website for more information on these systems.
Our expertise supports our tailor-made solutions. The steepness of the slope will affect the solution chosen. Our erosion slope protection systems provide surface stabilisation alone for geotechnically stable slopes. Geotechnically unstable slopes will require additional retention systems or soil nailing to be used in conjunction with our erosion protection solutions.
Our expertise supports clients facing these problems; our solutions are tailored accordingly.