The extraction of mineral resources has been continuously increasing over the centuries to meet the growing human demand of natural resources. Today, the mining industry is facing the unprecedent challenge to enhance operators’ safety while minimizing its impact on local communities and its overall environmental footprint.
Maccaferri engineering skills and experience help clients to overcome highly technical problems in each stage of their mine’s lifecycle. Improving haul truck efficiency by enhancing haul-road quality, implementing the mine drainage plans, preventing and controlling geohazards to improve the safety of operatives and designing cost-effective reinforced soil crushers are few of the many solutions we refine our expertise on.
Every application has the same high standard: we supply efficient, safe and environmentally friendly solutions to maximise the opportunity to reuse site-won materials and drive down the carbon footprint of the project.
- Asphalt Pavement Reinforcement
- Attenuator Barriers
- Channelling Works
- Concrete Flooring, Precast & Other uses Solutions
- Consolidation and Reinforcement
- Consolidation by Drainage Systems
- Construction over Soft Soils
- Construction over Voids
- Debris Flow Barriers
- Dewatering
- Dynamic Rockfall Barriers
- Force Protection Barriers
- Lining Systems – Base
- Lining Systems – Capping
- Longitudinal Protection
- Mass Gravity Retaining Walls
- Noise Barriers
- Other Solutions for Drainage
- Piggybacking
- Piled Embankments
- Planar and horizontal drainage
- Primary Lining
- Reinforced Soil Walls and Slope Reinforcement
- Reinforcement of Marginal Soils and Waste
- Rockfall Embankments
- Safety Barriers
- Simple Drapery
- Slope Protection
- Snow Fences and Avalanche Protection
- Soil Nailing
- Soil Veneer Applications
- Sub-grade Improvement
- Sub-grade and Pavement Drainage
- Surface Strengthening and Support
- Vertical Drainage Works
- Vertical Walls with Concrete Facing Panels
- Waterproofing of Reservoirs, Lakes and Channels
- Weirs, Culverts and Transverse Structures