Biaxial Geogrids

Biaxial geogrids are used mostly for reinforcement purposes in soil stabilization applications their symmetric-multiaxial structure can increase the bearing capacity of the existing subsoil providing the necessary strength and confinement effect. The tensile strength and the geometry of these geogrids are normally symmetric with tensile strengths from 20 to 300 (or even more) kN/m but three or more axis versions are available; also the polymer and the opening shapes can vary according to the tensile requirements and the fill properties.
Maccaferri’s range includes different families of products:
MacGrid EG
Extruded polypropylene geogrids with a symmetric tensile strength of up to 50 kN/m; successfully used in single or multiple layers for many decades in soil stabilization applications is an essential component of many combo-solving solutions.

MacGrid EG-T
Again an extruded polypropylene geogrid but characterized by a triangular shape to have a multi-axial behaviour. These materials are used – as the MG EG – in the same type of applications and are supposed to be an evolution of the biaxial ones.
MacGrid WG-S
High tenacity PET knitted-weaved coated geogrids are also available and used in these types of applications especially when the tensile strength requested exceeds the capacity offered by the extruded ranges; these products are available up to standard symmetric strength of 300kN/m but – on demand – can be proposed up to 1000 kN/m.