Transportation Infrastructure
The rapid growth of global population and the rise of the urbanisation trend are strongly pushing the demand of transportation infrastructure. Moving towards a more sustainable transport system means that many important aspects must be taken into consideration, such as technological innovation, long-term durability, resilience to climate change, flexibility and so on.
Maccaferri has participated in many projects of all sizes and our technical support system has assisted clients at any latitude with tailored solutions in order to meet their specific requirements. We have faced many engineering challenges developing roads, railways, airports and all kinds of transportation infrastructures and our goal has always been the same: to prioritize the sustainability and the long-term performance of the infrastructure without compromising the speed and feasibility of design and construction.
- Asphalt Pavement Reinforcement
- Attenuator Barriers
- Channelling Works
- Concrete Flooring, Precast & Other uses Solutions
- Consolidation and Reinforcement
- Consolidation by Drainage Systems
- Construction over Soft Soils
- Construction over Voids
- Debris Flow Barriers
- Dynamic Rockfall Barriers
- Fencing and Wire Solutions
- Force Protection Barriers
- Longitudinal Protection
- Mass Gravity Retaining Walls
- Noise Barriers
- Other Solutions for Drainage
- Piled Embankments
- Planar and horizontal drainage
- Primary Lining
- Reinforced Soil Walls and Slope Reinforcement
- Rockfall Embankments
- Safety Barriers
- Simple Drapery
- Slope Protection
- Snow Fences and Avalanche Protection
- Soil Nailing
- Soil Veneer Applications
- Sub-grade Improvement
- Sub-grade and Pavement Drainage
- Surface Strengthening and Support
- Vertical Drainage Works
- Vertical Walls with Concrete Facing Panels
- Waterproofing of Reservoirs, Lakes and Channels
- Weirs, Culverts and Transverse Structures