
Beavers, badgers and other burrowing animals can sometimes cause fairly large damage on bank slopes, along dykes or in the earth-filled embankments. In isolated cases, such damage caused by these mammals could lead to an increased risk of global slope failures with serious consequences of over flooding for the communities living in the area. Cavities created by beavers can be of high risk for the stability of the dyke.
Our RENOMESH, RENOMESH BIO and RENOMESH GREEN work as an effective long-term barrier against the intrusion of burrowing animals, discouraging them from digging inside the levee core / embankment and inducing them to migrate to other non-critical areas of the river/infrastructure.
Maccaferri Renomesh is a proven solution: initial observation studies were conducted by the Technical University in Vienna (Austria) to find whether and how we could prevent these animals from burrowing into the critical core of an embankment along rivers in Europe. After trying several types of barrier systems, the study concluded that the only way to create an effective barrier to the bite of beavers is to use the steel mesh.
In the past, synthetic materials were used, due to their durability in water, but they proved not to be effective against rodent bites. Tests conducted at Vienna University of Technology on several types of barrier systems proved that steel mesh is the only way to create an impenetrable barrier to resist the strong bite of a beaver.

Moreover, these solutions promote the establishment of vegetation, allowing integration into the environment. We use recycled steel, which contributes to cutting CO2 emissions. Moreover, these solutions promote the establishment of vegetation, allowing integration into the environment. We use recycled steel, which contributes to cutting CO2 emissions.