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Rockfall Protection & Snow Barriers

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Rockfall Protection & Snow Barriers

Rockfall protection and snow avalanche mitigation systems are key elements in the security and safety of infrastructure, mine works, buildings or people. Even small rockfalls, or debris flows can block infrastructure and can have far-reaching economic effects beyond the immediate disruption. 

With over 60 years’ experience, we offer both active systems to stabilize rock faces, soil slopes and snow masses and passive systems to overcome hydro-geological problems such as detachment of rock boulders, debris flows and shallow landslides.

Developed in cooperation with specialist contractors to ensure safety and buildability, our portfolio of rockfall protections and natural hazard mitigation systems is certified and tested by leading institutes in accordance with the latest standards using state of-the-art modelling software and techniques. 

Whenever possible, full-scale testing is carried out at our test facilities in order to model the real-world situations and load conditions as accurately as possible. The combination of the performance data determined from these tests has been included within our design software Mac S-Design and MacRo suite.

Our solution offer is complemented by early warning systems specifically designed and developed for our natural hazard mitigation systems: start designing more effective and smarter rockfall protection and snow avalanche mitigation systems with us!

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