12 July 2024
Innovative geogrid solutions showcased at GeoAnz Conference
Innovative geogrid solutions showcased at GeoAnz Conference
Highlighting advancements in geogrid technology
We have successfully completed our participation in the GEOANZ #2 Conference in Melbourne, held from 9th to 11th July 2024. This significant event, organized by the Australasian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (ACIGS), focused on “Advances in Geosynthetics” with themes covering mining, environmental containment, coastal protection, and infrastructure reinforcement.
Our debut at the conference allowed us to present our innovative paper on PET-based geogrids in high-alkalinity environments, which garnered substantial attention and sparked insightful discussions among industry professionals. Our booth served as a vibrant meeting point for engaging with colleagues, exhibitors, and keynote speakers, celebrating the return to face-to-face interactions.
Participating in GEOANZ #2 has reaffirmed our commitment to advancing geotechnical solutions. The positive feedback and meaningful conversations have inspired us, and we are eager to continue our journey of innovation and collaboration in future endeavors.