The Use of Geosynthetic Stabilisation and Reinforcement in Roads and Working Platforms

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The Use of Geosynthetic Stabilisation and Reinforcement in Roads and Working Platforms

Whenever construction is carried out upon soft or unstable ground, there is the possibility of settlement: this can include geological effects caused by subsidence, sink holes as well as man-made effects, such as mining voids. On the other hand, when overburden on native ground is largely increased, there is the issue of differential settlement or collapse. Within mining works, stockpiled materials or heap leach pads impose great surcharges upon the ground.

Maccaferri’s next webinar is the 19th of July 10:00-11:00 GMT. Sign up today and learn for free with one of our Area Engineers, the specialist topic is ‘Erosion Control & River Works Solutions’.

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Mike Horton
Technical Manager