Mossmorran Rockslide Protection

Home > Success stories > Mossmorran Rockslide Protection

Suspended Drapery


Fife, Scotland

Shell UK Ltd

CAN Scotland

Maccaferri Ltd

Mossmorran Rockslide Protection


The site is a hydrocarbon processing facility and local rock slope failures were threatening electrical and hydrocarbon transport installations. The site is formed into closely interbedded (layered) and highly friable Midland Valley Carboniferous sandstones and mudstones. Weathering affecting the rock slopes has exploited the pervasive natural joint sets resulting in block failure (blocks up to 2m x 2m x 3m).


The site was de-scaled and suitable blocks were removed by specialist contractor CAN. Following the installation of crest and toe cables the rock slopes were covered by a continuous ‘curtain’ of PVC-coated rockfall netting and the soil and rock slopes were by MacMat R®. The two most vulnerable sections of rock slope (pervasively jointed and near sensitive installations) were each covered with an additional layer of high-strength HEA panels.