Heads of The Valleys, A465

Home > Success stories > Heads of The Valleys, A465

Suspended Drapery


Abergavenny, South Wales

Welsh Government


Atkins Global/CH2M HILL

Heads of The Valleys, A465


The A465 road is a major infrastructure project connecting west Wales with the upper ends of the Welsh valleys and then to the English midlands. It is one of the key corridors and international gateways for the South Wales economy. It connects the M4 at Neath to Abergavenny and Hereford. The existing A465 was built in the 1960s and is a single three-lane carriageway with two lanes in the uphill direction and one in the downhill direction. A regional traffic study in 1990 identified the need to improve this road. The width of the road restricts traffic flow and opportunities for safe overtaking. In many areas, there is poor visibility. Accidents on this stretch are concentrated around junctions and areas with poor visibility.

The Welsh government has a long programme of work to address shortcomings and make the road suitable to help sustain industry and tourism in south and west Wales. These improvements to the A465 are critical to the social and economic regeneration of the Heads of the Valleys area. This project will improve access to key services, jobs and markets supporting inward investment in areas such as the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone.


Slope stabilisation was an important element of the scheme, and both CAN Geotechnical and BAM Ritchies have been working closely with the Costain team on several key slopes. The main designers of the road improvement, Atkins and CH2M Hill, have chosen Steelgrid HR for its high punching and containment properties. MacMat® R and MacMat® were also used as erosion control measures across the slope.