Cookbridge Rail

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Suspended Drapery


Cookbridge, East Sussex

Network Rail

Volker Fitzpatrick

Tony Gee & Partners

Cookbridge Rail


Following the failure of a cutting slope, a geotechnical investigation revealed the presence of several slip areas in the vicinity of a retaining wall. The decision taken was to stabilise the slips using soil nails and a high-strength facing mesh instead of replacing the retaining wall. The design solution covered a 200 linear meter length of trackside slope which varied in height from 12m to 30m. The stabilisation design included over 680 soil nails, each up to 6m in length, with high stiffness, high strength mesh facing.


The main contractor Volker Fitzpatrick approached Maccaferri for the supply of a suitable mesh product for the stabilisation of the rail cutting. Maccaferri worked closely with the designer to establish the most suitable product for stabilisation. Steelgrid HR30 was deemed to be the most appropriate material.

The mesh was installed with a regular anchorage pattern and in certain areas, over a biodegradable erosion control matting. Steelgrid HR benefits include:

• No requirement for the overlapping of mesh panels

• No need to make depressions around the anchorages

• No need to “pretension” mesh

These advantages made Steelgrid HR30 rapid to install, simple and a cost-effective option for this high-profile project.