Reinforced Soil Walls and Slope Reinforcement
COBHAM - SURREY - United Kingdom
Cobham Motorway Service Area (MSA) is located at J10 of the M25 motorway. It is a single site used by traffic in both directions, which opened for business in 2012. The service area currently contains a customer service building with restaurants and refreshment areas, retail facilities, a gamezone, toilets, showers, pay phones and cash machines. This building is located in a central position to the southern end of the MSA away from the motorway. It is necessary to expand the heavy goods vehicle (HGV) parking as the site has been extremely popular and runs beyond capacity. Meaning the lorries are parking on slip roads and access roads into the site, causing jams and safety concerns.
The proposal is to increase the parking numbers by 79 new spaces, to the west of the petrol filling station (PFS). The proposal sits into the ground to aid functionality and reduce its visual impact, retaining the slopes with gabion walls. Tree planting and earth modelling will also help set the scheme into the landscape. A mixture of gabions for smaller heights and Gabion Terramesh® for larger heights was utilised for value engineering purposes. The site consisted of a 300m wall up to 5.5m high and a 100m wall 2m high. A design, supply and install by Maccaferri Construction with Breheny as the main contractor. Elliot wood were the design engineers for Extra MSA Group who were the main client.