Architectural Cladding
Cardiff, Wales
Vinci Construction
Maccaferri Ltd
BBC Cardiff
As part of planning conditions for the construction of BBC Wales new Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff Bay, a 126m long 6.5m high free-standing ‘green wall’ was required to screen the studio’s drama village from public view and to provide enhanced acoustic protection.
A free-standing double-sided welded wire Gabion wall created a ‘cliff face’ appearance using locally sourced sandstone paving off-cuts as the infill material. Different colours of stone were placed in the Gabions to form distinctive horizontal bandings and enhance the natural cliff face aesthetic.
The Gabion wall required support from structural steel columns. These were incorporated so that some were visible on the public-facing side. These were then clad with timber to create vertical features in the wall. The top of the Gabion wall was also planted with coastal plant species and ivy so the wall vegetated as it matured.