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Waterproofing of Reservoirs, Lakes and Channels


Lincolnshire County Council

CNIM/Clugston Joint Venture




Lincolnshire’s new state of the art Energy from Waste  recycling plant at North Hykeham, Lincoln is built on a low   lying brown-field site with a high local water table. 

This high ground-water level and limited availability of space   ruled out the use of a conventional SUDS-style system of   large ground-level attenuation ponds. These would normally   be used to allow return of surface water run-off from the   buildings and surrounding hard-standing to the sub-soil   mainly through natural percolation and managed discharge   to water courses. The construction of above-ground ponds to   promote gravity assisted percolation was also rejected on   cost grounds.  


Consulting engineers, Arup, devised a two stage system of  ground level wet and dry holding lagoons. These were   impermeably lined with Maccaferri MacLine®, a reinforced   geosynthetic clay liner and surrounded by 2.0m high stone   filled gabion retaining walls. The connected lagoons take   advantage of slight falls in levels. The higher and smaller   wet lagoon accepting initial storm surge before gravity   discharge through pipework to the much larger and lower   dry lagoon. The high capacity dry lagoon then allows   managed return of captured surface water to nearby water   courses. 

MacLine® GCL is a geosynthetic clay liner specfically   designed for landfill and lagoon lining. It consists of a layer   of natural Wyoming Granular Sodium Bentonite sandwiched   between a woven and non-woven geotextile. It is self-sealing   if punctured, has excellent slope stability and climatic   resistance, together with a hich chemical resistance.   MacLine® is supplied on 5.0m wide rolls and is   straightforward to install using readily available plant. 

At the Lincolnshire Energy from Waste site the MacLine®   liner was overlain with a 300mm layer of sharp sand   followed by a 200mm layer of compacted site won fill to   limit overswell in the geocomposite as it hydrates. These   layers give added protection to the liner and furthermore,   reduce the risk of it floating due to back pressure of ground   water. Lagoon walls were constructed using Maccaferri’s   BBA Certified double twist wire mesh gabions which were   filled with locally sourced stone.  

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