Agriculture and the agribusiness market sector are extremely vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events. Growing temperatures are raising the risk of drought, affecting the water availability for crops. Furthermore, extreme precipitation can lead to soil erosion and to production failures, threatening global food security.
Maccaferri contributes with several engineering applications to the strengthening of the agribusiness, supporting communities and avoiding repercussions on the human well-being.
- Anti-predator net
- Asphalt Pavement Reinforcement
- Channelling Works
- Consolidation by Drainage Systems
- Dewatering
- Fencing and Wire Solutions
- Fish net pens
- Lining Systems – Base
- Lining Systems – Capping
- Longitudinal Protection
- Mass Gravity Retaining Walls
- Offshore Aquaculture
- Other Solutions for Drainage
- Piggybacking
- Planar and horizontal drainage
- Reinforced Soil Walls and Slope Reinforcement
- Reinforcement of Marginal Soils and Waste
- Slope Protection
- Soil Veneer Applications
- Sub-grade Improvement
- Sub-grade and Pavement Drainage
- Vertical Drainage Works
- Vertical Walls with Concrete Facing Panels
- Waterproofing of Reservoirs, Lakes and Channels
- Weirs, Culverts and Transverse Structures
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