Dynamic Rockfall Barriers
Junta de Andalucía
Alhabia is a municipality in the province of Almería, located in El Andarax, 27 km from the capital. The A-1075 road is the main connection between the municipality and the rest of the province and is therefore of vital importance. The slope, composed of sandstones, conglomerates and marlstones, produced rock falls towards the road. In addition, the Filomena storm in January 2021 caused a large rock to fall onto the road, producing a sinkhole in the road and destroying a masonry wall on the left-hand side.
In order to guarantee road safety on the road, emergency work was carried out and awarded to the company Seanto. The work consisted of the following actions: Firstly, 285 ml of RB 1500 barrier, 4 m high and capable of absorbing impacts of up to 1,500 kJ of energy, has been installed. The barrier has been installed in several sections to protect the entire road and overcome the difficult topography of the site. In addition, 5 skirts have been installed under the barrier to protect against rock falls in the different slopes of the slope. Finally, an 8×10-16 Triple Torsion mesh has been installed under the line of barriers to guide any small landslides that may occur in the ditch. The barriers have been tested in accordance with EAD 340059-00-0106 (ex ETAG-27), are category A in accordance with this standard, and all the materials have a CE mark that guarantees their performance.
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